“Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.”
If you are interested in having Allison speak in person or virtually, please click below to fill out the form. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
You are also always welcome to reach out to us here:
P: 415.209.3616
E: cs@allisonmassari.com
Allison takes great care working with her clients and tailors her keynotes for each audience. Below is a list of her most requested topics:
• The Fire Within:℠ Activating True Resilience
• For Healthcare: Transforming Lives: The Heart and Soul of Healthcare℠
• Be the One℠: Retain Leaders and Teams Through a Heart-Led Culture Shift
Videos are Below!
““In the fullness of true resilience you don’t just survive—you become a better version of yourself on every level. You become a force of light.””
Promo Reel Below for “The Fire Within!”
Excellent for Resilience, Inspiration, Mindset, and Empowerment!
Promo Reel Below for "Be the One℠: Uplift Your Teams. Uplift Your Life.”
Excellent for Elevating Work Culture, Self-leadership, Empowerment, Burnout, Retention, and Mindset.
Healthcare Promo Reel Below for "Transforming Lives: The Heart and Soul of Healthcare℠”
Meet Allison:
Meet Allison | 1 Minute
Testimonials | 4 minutes
Press & Media
Listen to the Compelling Podcast Interview Below with Allison:
“This is not a typical burnout conversation. Allison Massari brought her refreshing perspective to our latest podcast.”
A Short Clip from the PBS Interview by Vince Poscente on Resilience:
April 30, 2023, on the 25th year anniversary of Allison’s burn injuries she was interviewed by Vince Poscente on PBS about her insights on resilience.
Allison was Invited to Advise Speakers on How to Prepare for the Big Stage:
September/October 2022 Edition of Speaker Magazine
““Creating a speech is like creating a piece of art. I tune into my awareness, knowing that every lilt in my voice, every pause and intonation, each word choice, and my pace variation will all land on the audience—similar to the way a brushstroke lands on a canvas. Nuance is so beautiful to me. The smallest change in any moment carries emotion and meaning and I love knowing the audience will feel it! I rigorously prepare, not only by memorizing my script and rehearsing all the precise and considered details of my presentation, but also by spending time daily focusing on my intention for the audience. It is a beloved process from the heart. All of this preparation allows me to let go and truly be with each person in the room during the speech, and gives me the freedom of artistic aliveness and expression. This kind of thoughtful, tender attention will allow you to go deeper in your connection with the audience and create the possibility for transformation for each listener.””
Read the Million Dollar Round Table magazine story on Allison's keynote for the insurance and finance industry. Click Here »
See Allison in the Deepak Chopra issue of Smart Meetings Magazine! (January, pg. 28) Click Here »
“When a struggle enters your life, be vigilant to seek and find the good in every breathing moment. Search with ferocity. Harness an unbending belief. Your struggle and your dedication will sculpt your spirit and bring you to the ultimate destination—your Self-Mastery.”