Industries & Event Types for Allison’s Keynote:

Allison expertly adapts her message to each industry and speaks to a diverse range of audiences. She will be delighted to speak with your leadership team on how to specifically connect with your group, align with your mission, and also support your vision and goals for your conference.

  • Employee Appreciation Events

  • Fundraisers

  • Leadership/Manager Retreats and Conferences

  • Client/Customer Events

  • All-Staff Events & Retreats

  • Team Building Retreats

  • Employee Appreciation Events

  • Off-site Meetings

  • Vision Retreats

  • Awards Events

  • IT

  • Sales

  • Pharmaceutical

  • Human Resources

  • Finance

  • Insurance

  • Healthcare

  • Non-profits

  • Humanitarian Groups

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Business Inspiration

  • Energy–

  • Real Estate

  • Agriculture

  • Manufacturing

  • Associations

“Science now definitively proves that the ability to navigate change and adversity are directly linked to the bottom line of your business.”

“I am here to not only deliver powerful takeaways….
 I am here to speak to your soul.”
—Allison Massari

Allison customizes her speech to fit the specific needs and concerns of your organization. She also offers a Q&A, fireside chat style, after the keynote where she can help with specific concerns and provide tactical solutions for people to feel empowered through self-leadership, caring for themselves and others in a more profound way, and having more command managing the challenges of work.