Top Keynote Speaker

Be the One℠

For so many of us, we don’t have a witness to our lives... especially in our work.

So many people work in isolation - maybe even from home or in closed off work spaces.

So, when you see someone’s greatness, YOU are the WITNESS.

It’s exciting to catch someone doing something wonderful and to express to them in detail our own joy about witnessing it. It’s a pleasure!

And it creates immediate friendship—from that feeling of them being seen.

You might think that a person doesn’t need to hear how fantastic they are at something - but everyone deserves to hear it, and on a regular basis!

Not only does this inspire motivation but it can also help heal so muchloneliness in the world.

Be ready to give a gift like this.

Let the sweetness of this change your life. Doing this is also making an active decision to take charge of how WE want to show up, and how WE want to feel.

We can each defiantly choose to bring goodness into the world, no matter what is happening.Instead of waiting for the WORLD to give us what we want and crave… We can make the decision to GIVE what we want to receive.

To Be the One.

(This is from my new keynote!)

#keynotespeaker #retention #leadership #workculture #betheone #selfleadership

Interview with Allison Massari on the 3M Podcast

Burnout Prevention Support

If you or someone you know has experienced burnout, this conversation, in this podcast will be truly supportive. Click Here to Listen:

Alleviating burnout is top of mind for everyone right now, in every industry. I was invited by 3M to discuss a fresh perspective on burnout in healthcare—and beyond—on their podcast. I share new ideas and insights that I hope will help many people. I’m excited to share this with you. Please share this with anyone you care about.

“In the fullness of true resilience you don’t just survive—you become a better version of yourself on every level. You become a force of light.”

#keynotespeaker #burnout #resilience #healthcare #retention #hr #compassion #selfcare #kindness #patience

Grateful to my Hero, on this Veterans Day

Today I am celebrating Veterans Day and my heart is full. It was a Vietnam veteran named Roger Pepper who saved my life, pulling me from this burning car in 1998. I was trapped inside and he ran into the fiery scene. I remember the very moment we caught eyes when I was inside, so afraid, and in so much pain. Then he kicked the glass out, and pulled me out. The story could have ended there, but for years (until he passed away) he always called to check on me to be sure I was ok. He was so kind to me. He cared. He is a true hero, alongside every veteran.