I am a huge proponent of learning the art of expressing your appreciation for others. It sounds simple, but it can truly have a profound impact on your own mindset, and on the lives of the people around you—especially at work.
It’s exciting to catch someone doing something wonderful and to express to them our own joy about witnessing it. It’s a pleasure! And it creates immediate friendship—that feeling of them being seen.
It’s also making an active decision to take charge of how we want to show up, and how we want to feel. This is a way to take charge of our culture and radically transform our experience of our professional environment and our life. Simply expressing your care and appreciation for someone at work is YOU taking charge of your work culture. It’s like saying, “I see you…. I want the best for you… I’m on your side.”
We can each defiantly choose to bring goodness into the world, no matter what is happening. We can all bring more of the human element to our work and take care of each other. We can make it feel good being at work. And we can even make it fun!
Plus, when we choose to care for others, it lights us up! When we bring our love, care, and kindness to others we feel better. We feel radiant. And having this mindset changes everything.
Be the One℠
#keynotespeaker #BeTheOne #workculture #leadership #kindness #empathy #leadingwithempathy #retention #inspiration #burnout #burnoutprevention
Fighting for My Softness
For those who don’t know, years ago, I burned alive in a fire—trapped in a burning car. It was horrific. Somehow, I remember everything that happened inside that car. The recovery that followed—the debridement, the emotional pain—was almost as searing as the fire itself.
What astounds me to this day is that my journey to healing became one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. After a long period of grieving and being consumed by the daily fight to recover, I finally came up for air. And in that moment, I realized: it was up to me to heal my life. It became clear that I had to take charge—to be in command of my thoughts, my decisions, and to make every moment count as I moved my life forward. What a gift.
That experience taught me an incredible lesson. What I learned in my healing journey later overflowed into every part of my life, shaping how I built my businesses and created success in my career.
One of my favorite revelations was how deeply suffering expanded my compassion for others—something I wouldn’t trade for anything. Whenever we go through hardship—whether it’s pain, betrayal, or loss—there’s potential for unexpected gifts. It’s definitely not something we want to hear in the middle of suffering, yet later, once we’ve made it to the other side, we can often see how the struggles shaped us, matured us, and made us better.
And yes, I had to fight hard to survive. I had to fight to heal. I had to fight to become stronger and more at peace than ever before. But I also noticed something else—I wanted my innocence back.
So, I began to fight for my softness to return. I fought for my gentleness to come back. And I got it back.
That, perhaps, was the most surprising part of my recovery. I never would have imagined it was possible.
This is why you will hear in my keynote, "The Fire Within" that you can be "tenderhearted AND fierce."
#resilience #mindset #healing #overcomingadversity #personalgrowth #keynotespeaker #leadership #compassion #workculture #motivation #inspiration #hope
Resilience in its Highest Form
Resilience in its highest form takes you to a RADIANT life. Whether you are facing a challenge at work, or in your personal life, keep pushing through until you see how that difficulty has made you a better, stronger, and more exciting version of yourself.
*Artwork by me
#keynotespeaker #resilience
On Hope
When we are struck with a challenge, the reflex is for worry or fear to take over. It's very human. However, the thoughts that follow fear, are not always helpful, productive, or accurate. It can be like bending iron to center ourselves, yet, it is so worth the work. Transcend your fear by going to a deep place of trust within yourself that you will find your way. At the same time, we can still take the action needed to better our situation. Have hope!
Be the One℠
For so many of us, we don’t have a witness to our lives... especially in our work.
So many people work in isolation - maybe even from home or in closed off work spaces.
So, when you see someone’s greatness, YOU are the WITNESS.
It’s exciting to catch someone doing something wonderful and to express to them in detail our own joy about witnessing it. It’s a pleasure!
And it creates immediate friendship—from that feeling of them being seen.
You might think that a person doesn’t need to hear how fantastic they are at something - but everyone deserves to hear it, and on a regular basis!
Not only does this inspire motivation but it can also help heal so muchloneliness in the world.
Be ready to give a gift like this.
Let the sweetness of this change your life. Doing this is also making an active decision to take charge of how WE want to show up, and how WE want to feel.
We can each defiantly choose to bring goodness into the world, no matter what is happening.Instead of waiting for the WORLD to give us what we want and crave… We can make the decision to GIVE what we want to receive.
To Be the One.
(This is from my new keynote!)
#keynotespeaker #retention #leadership #workculture #betheone #selfleadership
Living with Bouyant Aliveness
Chasing happiness is tempting in our culture. Sure, it's fun! AND, there is an alternative that is equally fulfilling, if not more: It is connecting so deeply to your center, to a place of ease, and the knowing of, "I am enough, just as I am, today, and always." Resting in that is so healthy and life-giving. We can chase our ambitions from this place, and achieve so much more—from a place of bouyant aliveness.
Be a Force of Light
This is what gives us hope: Knowing that our own pain, struggles or adversity can be transmuted into meaning, into purpose, and into making the world a better place. ❤️
Keep Your Face in the Sunshine
As we come to the close of the year, keep your face in the sunshine and your heart wide open—take a moment to truly feel the impact of your efforts, the care you’ve poured into others, and the goodness you’ve brought into the world.
From this place of vibrant gratitude, we can step boldly into 2025. Exhilarate your hopes. Dream bigger than you think possible, and trust the pull of new possibilities.
Here's something I like to remember: Goodness often hides in the ordinary moments—the quiet victories, the kindness shared, and the bravery of showing up even when the road felt steep. Celebrate it all. Each step you’ve taken this year has prepared you for the brilliance waiting ahead.
So, as the new year unfolds, let’s walk forward with audacious hope, boundless curiosity, and a spark of wonder for what’s to come.
Cheers to a year ahead filled with light, meaning, connection, and delight!
Interview with Allison Massari on the 3M Podcast
Burnout Prevention Support
If you or someone you know has experienced burnout, this conversation, in this podcast will be truly supportive. Click Here to Listen: https://allisonmassari.com/burnout-prevention-keynote-speaker
Alleviating burnout is top of mind for everyone right now, in every industry. I was invited by 3M to discuss a fresh perspective on burnout in healthcare—and beyond—on their podcast. I share new ideas and insights that I hope will help many people. I’m excited to share this with you. Please share this with anyone you care about. “In the fullness of true resilience you don’t just survive—you become a better version of yourself on every level. You become a force of light.”
#keynotespeaker #burnout #resilience #healthcare #retention #hr #compassion #selfcare #kindness #patience
Your Heart.
Walk softly... Your heart feels every move you make.❤️
A Profound Story About One of My Nurses
This might be one of my most special posts and stories to share with you: For years, many of you have heard me tell the stories in my keynotes about the extraordinary nurses that cared for me on the burn unit - It was their kindness, presence, and their compassion.
One poignant memory, I have always had is a particular nurse that leaned over the bed rails and grabbed my hand in a moment that somehow stayed with me for 26 years. I ALWAYS wondered who this nurse was and I never forgot her. Every time I give my speech, I see her in my mind’s eye when I share that moment. Well, last week I had the privilege of speaking for the hospital that cared for me, Tampa General Hospital. It was a full circle, unbelievable event with all of their leaders.
After my keynote, this woman came up to me, held my hand and introduced herself to me saying she had cared for me. You can see in the second photo below that someone happened to capture this moment! After 26 years I was blown away in that moment I recognized her! Can you believe this? It was completely obvious that it was HER the one who leaned over the bed rails that day who I never forgot! She had a very distinct presence and energy and when she held my hand I recognized her! Can you believe that life has given me this gift to find her? I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am that I was given this gift! To see her, hug her, tell her how much she meant to me, and to know that she heard the story in the speech that day!
We rarely get the opportunity to find people who touched our lives in passing. Today I want to remind you that life can be so magical like this. I am in AWE.
This post is also a reminder that we cannot underestimate how our kindness and our presence with other people extends through time.
What you have done in your life - caring for others, even strangers - is so powerful. Every act of kindness counts!
The little moments are the big moments.
#keynotespeaker #healthcare #healthcarekeynotespeaker #Compassion #kindness #nurses #gratitude #heart #love #empathy
Staying Centered in Life
To stay centered in life, I recommend printing this poem, "The Paradoxical Commandments" and keeping it on your desk, near your bed, or on your bathroom mirror. This message is so beautiful and helpful:
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered,
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives,
If you are successful,
you win false friends and true enemies,
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable,
What you spent years building may be
destroyed overnight,
People really need help
but may attack you if you help them,
Give the world the best you have
And you’ll get kicked in the teeth,
*The Paradoxical Commandments were written by Kent M. Keith when he was 19, a sophomore at Harvard College.
Mother Teresa put a condensed version of the Paradoxical Commandments up on the wall of her children’s home in Calcutta. According to Lucinda Vardey, in Mother Teresa: A Simple Path (New York: Ballantine Books, 1995), page 185, there was “a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the children’s home in Calcutta.” The above is what the sign said.
Thank you dearly to Kent M. Keith.❤
(Artwork by me.)
Allison Massari Keynote Motivates and Moves Attendees
Massari Healthcare Keynote at the Emergency Nurses Association
Before thousands in the audience at the 2018 ENA Conference, Allison Massari delivered her customized message for healthcare. Please read the article below that highlighted the conference.
Allison Massari Named Top25 Speaker
Over 27,000 votes were cast and Allison Massari has been honored as a Top25 Speaker alongside Lisa Ling, Brene Brown, Anderson Cooper, Suzie Orman and more.
Grateful to my Hero, on this Veterans Day
Today I am celebrating Veterans Day and my heart is full. It was a Vietnam veteran named Roger Pepper who saved my life, pulling me from this burning car in 1998. I was trapped inside and he ran into the fiery scene. I remember the very moment we caught eyes when I was inside, so afraid, and in so much pain. Then he kicked the glass out, and pulled me out. The story could have ended there, but for years (until he passed away) he always called to check on me to be sure I was ok. He was so kind to me. He cared. He is a true hero, alongside every veteran.
Three Ideas to Help your Wellbeing
Life often pulls us in so many directions. When you feel mired down from stress or overwhelm, here are three ideas that can help with your sense of wellbeing:
1) We can never underestimate the impact our kindness can have on a stranger. We can have no idea how we may be helping someone who is hurting with the simplest act of a genuine smile and eye contact. When we focus on extending our kindness to others it disrupts any unhealthy loops of negative thinking and gets you into good, yummy, wonderful feelings. No matter how busy we get, we can learn to take three seconds to give someone a warm genuine smile, or use a supportive tone of voice as we speak. With these simple practices, our lives can have more meaning.
2) If you have had a persistent painful issue that for years will not resolve, even with counseling, or support, and books, etc., start your day interrupting those negative feelings or thoughts by jumping and saying "STOP!" Then stand tall, put a huge smile on your face and go to a memory of when you were filled with joy or aliveness, or love. Replace the negative with a positive. Decide how you want to feel and be in charge. The pain may always linger in the background but you can make a choice to not let it run your life.
3) Our brains love silence. In this busy world, days and weeks can fly by without time for reflection. If you can, find some quiet time today and enjoy it. When we get quiet, we get to know ourselves in an important way. We can listen to our thoughts and connect to what we really hope for, decide on next steps, get clarity, and so much more.
May your day be filled with goodness.
Artwork by me: "The Place Where My Soul Rests" © Allison Massari For prints please click here.
For information about my keynote speaking please visit: www.AllisonMassari.com
My Cleveland Clinic Keynote

I have a soft spot for the wonderful people at the Cleveland Clinic. And I am still smiling from the honor of speaking for them at the Patient Experience Summit this year. Today I saw this clip from my keynote that was posted online. Please feel free to watch! Click Here. To learn more about my speaking in healthcare please Click Here.
“Brilliant.” “This was so INCREDIBLE! Thank you!” “Wow no words……” “Fantastic communicator. Personal and compelling.” “Famously told.” “Incredibly moving and powerful session. Such beautiful and thought provoking words.” “Very eye opening! The best patient story of the conference.”

Cleveland Clinic 2016 PE Summit
Techniques You Can Employ When Dealing With Difficult Clients or Coworkers
Often I am asked about how to successfully handle difficult people. Every situation is so unique and may require a radically different approach. As a default, it is always good to start by assuming that you may be wrong about everything you think you know about the person and the situation. This brings a fresh, new perspective - an open mind - and is a powerful place to create true resolution. Feeling truly humble always helps us create the best possible outcome. We cannot control how a person responds, but we can do everything possible to help the person feel we are on their side, that we truly want understanding, that we are fair, that we want the best for everyone involved.
In my opinion, there is an epidemic of isolation. Rather than feeling a part of a team or community, we often feel separate. My goal is to bring a true message of hope, to catalyze our connection to our humanity. I care about people. I want them to feel supported, to be transported to a new way of thinking, to feel powerful in their lives.
When in doubt put yourself in the other person’s shoes, and keep your mind on the peaceful outcome you desire.
To learn more about my keynote speaking please Click Here
Speaker for Norton Healthcare at "Go Confidently"
Speaking for Norton Healthcare was truly special. I had the privilege of delivering the keynote at "Go Confidently" which is a free event generously provided to the community by Norton Healthcare. It was a first-class event and done with so much love! To get a peak click here. And to read the follow up article you can see it by clicking here.
To learn more about my speaking in healthcare please click here.
You Are a Healer
Many people are silently hurting, keeping up appearances. When you see a stranger today, you can go to your heart, and quietly wish them happiness. When we walk in the world with the intention of loving kindness for one another, we each become beacons of healing in this world. Your awareness and caring affects your environment and the people you encounter. And the added benefit you have likely noticed, is that your loving kindness for others, simultaneously washes over your own self.
Thank you for your love.
Artwork by me: "The Peacemaker" Series #5 © Allison Massari
For information about my keynote speaking please Click Here.