Kindness and generosity is the way. However, if you focus on the care of your work deadlines, clients, and loved ones at the expense of your own self-care, and it has taken a toll, please keep reading.
Make a decision every day to embrace life, celebrate life—and be gentle with yourself. Be kind—to your body, to your mind, through whatever challenges you may be facing. You can be fiercely dedicated to this and make it a lifestyle.
Have reverence for yourself as if you were a holy person who is visiting your home.
Talk sweetly inside your mind to yourself. Slow down just enough to bring attention to that.
Imagine how you would treat a beloved family member or friend who is visiting you. Think of the little things you do to show your care for this person. You may prepare their favorite tea, put extra fluffy pillows on the sofa… extra details that will make them feel nurtured and loved. Borrow from that and use those same ideas to care for yourself lovingly. When you sit at your desk, be sure you are really really comfortable. Put a cozy blanket over your lap. Check that your environment is truly supporting you. Open windows and doors to have fresh air and oxygen circulating in your home or office. Have a practice of squeezing fresh lemons or oranges into your water in mason jars to make sure you stay hydrated every day. Little things can feel so nourishing and healthy. It is all a form of self-love—of kindness.
This is the precise way in which you should treat yourself, talk to yourself, love yourself—with absolute tenderness, and with an absolute commitment.
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By Nurturing Love Alone, Life Blossoms Sweetly Within.
When we choose love, especially when we are challenged, it is a decision that is removing the need to control a situation, a narrative, a mis-perception, etc.
It may feel counter-intuitive but this shift creates such peace internally, because it moves us out of the ego. Everything becomes easier. Everything feels simpler. And suddenly there is a detachment from a certain intensity of the level of pain of the situation.
By nurturing love alone, life blossoms sweetly within.
The Incomparable Art of Expressing Appreciation of Others
I am a huge proponent of learning the art of expressing your appreciation for others. It sounds simple, but it can truly have a profound impact on your own mindset, and on the lives of the people around you—especially at work.
It’s exciting to catch someone doing something wonderful and to express to them our own joy about witnessing it. It’s a pleasure! And it creates immediate friendship—that feeling of them being seen.
It’s also making an active decision to take charge of how we want to show up, and how we want to feel. This is a way to take charge of our culture and radically transform our experience of our professional environment and our life. Simply expressing your care and appreciation for someone at work is YOU taking charge of your work culture. It’s like saying, “I see you…. I want the best for you… I’m on your side.”
We can each defiantly choose to bring goodness into the world, no matter what is happening. We can all bring more of the human element to our work and take care of each other. We can make it feel good being at work. And we can even make it fun!
Plus, when we choose to care for others, it lights us up! When we bring our love, care, and kindness to others we feel better. We feel radiant. And having this mindset changes everything.
Be the One℠
#keynotespeaker #BeTheOne #workculture #leadership #kindness #empathy #leadingwithempathy #retention #inspiration #burnout #burnoutprevention