Artwork by Allison Mas...

The Incomparable Art of Expressing Appreciation of Others

I am a huge proponent of learning the art of expressing your appreciation for others. It sounds simple, but it can truly have a profound impact on your own mindset, and on the lives of the people around you—especially at work.

It’s exciting to catch someone doing something wonderful and to express to them our own joy about witnessing it. It’s a pleasure! And it creates immediate friendship—that feeling of them being seen.

It’s also making an active decision to take charge of how we want to show up, and how we want to feel. This is a way to take charge of our culture and radically transform our experience of our professional environment and our life. Simply expressing your care and appreciation for someone at work is YOU taking charge of your work culture. It’s like saying, “I see you…. I want the best for you… I’m on your side.”

We can each defiantly choose to bring goodness into the world, no matter what is happening. We can all bring more of the human element to our work and take care of each other. We can make it feel good being at work. And we can even make it fun!

Plus, when we choose to care for others, it lights us up! When we bring our love, care, and kindness to others we feel better. We feel radiant. And having this mindset changes everything.

Be the One℠

#keynotespeaker #BeTheOne #workculture #leadership #kindness #empathy #leadingwithempathy #retention #inspiration #burnout #burnoutprevention

Staying Centered in Life

To stay centered in life, I recommend printing this poem, "The Paradoxical Commandments" and keeping it on your desk, near your bed, or on your bathroom mirror. This message is so beautiful and helpful:

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered,
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives,
If you are successful,
you win false friends and true enemies,
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable,
What you spent years building may be
destroyed overnight,
People really need help
but may attack you if you help them,
Give the world the best you have
And you’ll get kicked in the teeth,

*The Paradoxical Commandments were written by Kent M. Keith when he was 19, a sophomore at Harvard College.

Mother Teresa put a condensed version of the Paradoxical Commandments up on the wall of her children’s home in Calcutta. According to Lucinda Vardey, in Mother Teresa: A Simple Path (New York: Ballantine Books, 1995), page 185, there was “a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the children’s home in Calcutta.” The above is what the sign said.

Thank you dearly to Kent M. Keith.❤

(Artwork by me.)

Three Ideas to Help your Wellbeing

Life often pulls us in so many directions. When you feel mired down from stress or overwhelm, here are three ideas that can help with your sense of wellbeing:

1) We can never underestimate the impact our kindness can have on a stranger. We can have no idea how we may be helping someone who is hurting with the simplest act of a genuine smile and eye contact. When we focus on extending our kindness to others it disrupts any unhealthy loops of negative thinking and gets you into good, yummy, wonderful feelings. No matter how busy we get, we can learn to take three seconds to give someone a warm genuine smile, or use a supportive tone of voice as we speak. With these simple practices, our lives can have more meaning.

2) If you have had a persistent painful issue that for years will not resolve, even with counseling, or support, and books, etc., start your day interrupting those negative feelings or thoughts by jumping and saying "STOP!" Then stand tall, put a huge smile on your face and go to a memory of when you were filled with joy or aliveness, or love. Replace the negative with a positive. Decide how you want to feel and be in charge. The pain may always linger in the background but you can make a choice to not let it run your life.

3) Our brains love silence. In this busy world, days and weeks can fly by without time for reflection. If you can, find some quiet time today and enjoy it. When we get quiet, we get to know ourselves in an important way. We can listen to our thoughts and connect to what we really hope for, decide on next steps, get clarity, and so much more.

May your day be filled with goodness.

Artwork by me: "The Place Where My Soul Rests" © Allison Massari For prints please click here.

For information about my keynote speaking please visit:

You Are a Healer

Many people are silently hurting, keeping up appearances. When you see a stranger today, you can go to your heart, and quietly wish them happiness. When we walk in the world with the intention of loving kindness for one another, we each become beacons of healing in this world. Your awareness and caring affects your environment and the people you encounter. And the added benefit you have likely noticed, is that your loving kindness for others, simultaneously washes over your own self.

Thank you for your love.

Artwork by me: "The Peacemaker" Series #5 © Allison Massari

For information about my keynote speaking please Click Here.

“The Comeback Artist” Allison Massari in February 2016 Bay Magazine


Read the 2016 Bay Magazine Article – “The Comeback Artist”


Click here Pages 102-105   Well, instead of a lovely box of chocolate and flowers this year, my Valentines Day gift came from my hometown. #‎SweetestGiftEver‬ I am so touched by this beautiful article that came out today in Bay Magazine (Tampa, FL) about my life and my work. Thank you to Katherine Snow Smith for so exquisitely writing this, for sharing my work with others, and for such an incredible gift for my heart, on Valentine's Day.   Allison_Massari_2016_In_The_Press_p1  

Healthcare Keynote Speaker at HIMSS 2014 for the CHIME and HIMSS CIO Forum in Orlando, FL

It was an incredible honor to speak for CHIME and HIMSS at the CIO Forum this past week. They were an outstanding group! And to see my artwork up on the PowerPoint screens like this was very exciting. Thank you to everyone for the fantastic feedback on Twitter!

MDRT's Magazine "Round The Table" July/August 2013 - Allison Massari

"It's such an honor! I just got the PDF of the lovely article in MDRT's Magazine "Round The Table" July/August 2013 issue. They made such a gorgeous layout, and the writing is an exquisite summary of my keynote message. Thank you to everyone at Million Dollar Round Table for the honor you have given me."—Allison Massari See the full magazine here:

Million Dollar Round Table Brings Allison Massari to the Main Platform - MDRT 2013

1000 speaker bureaus submitted their top ten speakers from all over the world. After a rigorous selection process that lasted six months, Allison Massari was one of a 12 chosen to speak on the main platform at the Million Dollar Round Table Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 8-12, 2013. The crowd of 8,600 people included those from 75 countries.

"Your talk on the MDRT Main Platform was fantastic, and it was even better to get to know you... You really are an inspiration, and made such an impression on me."

Adam Blumberg Certified Financial Planner (™) The K Corporation

To inquire about Allison Massari's speaking email: or call 415.209.3616 - Learn more at:

In her words: "Incredible! .... The event in Philadelphia at MDRT was extraordinary and I am so thrilled, humbled, and overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude. People were here from 75 countries with a final headcount of 8,600 (including special guests). They had more translators there than the United Nations! The gift I was given to be here is beyond words. Every aspect of the event was planned with precision like I have never seen. One of the many poignant moments for me happened backstage after my speech. There were two long rows of small sound booths set up side-by-side with interpreters for each country inside each booth. And I entered each one-by-one to thank them individually - The first booth was China. It was magical because it was like we were old friends because they had seen and heard me already. We embraced and there was much emotion and we held hands and I thanked them for their hard work and for the GIFT they gave me by being a bridge for their people to understand me. I explained how much I appreciated that without them, people from their country would never have heard my message. The next booth was Bahasa Indonesia, and the next Cantonese, then Greek, then I peered my head in to Hindi, then Japanese, Korean, Bulgarian, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and by the time I entered the next booth and the men enthusiastically said, "Thai!!" I began sobbing. I was overwhelmed seeing that MDRT had taken me all over the world in one day. Many doors were opened. It was so humbling. And my soul felt at peace - Some sort of a longing inside of me was quenched. For the rest of the day I was on the edge of tears of gratitude. This is one of many magic moments that these last several days have given me and I thank God, my mentors, my friends, my family and everyone who has been by my side for so many many years on my journey to get here."

The production company for the event Williams/Gerard did an outstanding job including this exceptional stage background they created with all of Allison Massari's artwork.

Even After All This Time the Sun Never Says to the Earth, "You Owe Me"

"Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, 'You owe me'. Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole world." - Hafiz

Art image for the week:  "Make My Heart the Sun" This is a "prayer painting" I made. It is my life-long desire and request that I can become more unconditionally loving - to have a heart made like the sun.

The truth is, that life will always push us up against the places where we can learn to be more loving. It is a never-ending process and very humbling.

* 13" x 19" signed prints are available: Please email

When we truly rest in the knowing of who we are, no gossip can unfurl us, no intimidation can harm us, no unkindness can destroy our will to be generous.

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Claim the Fiery Babe Inside You

  Quiet frankly, the title of this digital art poster I made says it all. It is a self-portrait. It is a symbol of my path to being triumphant over tragedy.















































"Claim the Fiery Babe Inside You" ©2011AllisonMassari


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TEDxZaragoza and "The Future of Happiness"

Allison Massari TEDxZaragoza

Without question 11.5.11 was one of the best days of my LIFE! The event was in Spain and the love and generosity of the organizers was off the charts…

Oh my, oh my I was blown away... A small group of 7 of people in Zaragoza with no money for the event, got a TEDx license. Their dream was to bring happiness to the people of Spain where there is a lot of suffering because of a 25% unemployment rate in some areas, among other things. They worked for one entire year, long hard hours (after full-time jobs) and convinced people to sponsor this event in a country where most did not know about TED.

They did all of the marketing on Twitter and managed to get over 7,000 people watching the event live on the internet! Plus almost 1million twitter comments!

The event was beyond amazing! EVERY detail and possibility was dreamed up and executed. They had unbelievable technological video and light shows creating visual impact on the stage and music that was created just for the event....

They answered (literally) hundreds of thousands of emails personally, helped coach the speakers, made videos to promote the event, they had a live jazz band as we entered the building and served chocolates while everyone gathered. And chefs volunteered to surprise all of us with food that would remind us of Happiness... the most beautiful confections in bright colors. As we entered the room after a break we were each handed little wrapped gifts. It was a magical day of constant giving like this and I was in awe. When the event was over the team went up to the stage (see photo below) and they said, "The entire stage set here behind us is made of boxes. Each big box has a gift inside, and everyone here gets one." Then they immediately began deconstructing the set and handing us all of these boxes one by one.... It was like they were giving us EVERYTHING they had to the end. It was so symbolic. I was crying...

TEDxZargoza Building

TEDxZargoza Building

I left a piece of my heart in Spain...

Then all of the speakers walked around and served the whole audience champagne! There was so much love and laughing and sweetness and hugging... Then when I thought it was over they gave me bottles of champagne and then the whole team came to the hotel and stood shoulder-to-shoulder smiling and they handed me a box of special Spanish wine. They took all of us to an amazing dinner in Zaragoza. We shared late night stories and mojitos. Wow... I did not want to go to sleep.

Life is sweet when we make it good.

Let us all be inspired by what they have done.

Video Screen Shot

Video Screen Shot

Other speakers with me were Barbara Ehrenreich, Nic Marks from the UK, Erling Kagge the adventurer from Norway, and more...



p.s. Many of my Spanish friends now have Russian alias names. Need I say more?

While I was in Spain giving my TED talk I was given the name, "The Ambassador of Happiness". It seems to have stuck. I love that... May I always bring you happiness.

I love you all.

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